Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cloaked Cartoon

Sorry, but this a highly sensitive cartoon that had to be cloaked. Revealing it would've been too much of a shock to you all. I hope you understand. Please enjoy - it won't take you very long at all.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ant Life

I love ants - always have since a kid. Grown up, I still sit and wonder what life might be like for an ant, or how ants might feel or think about things. These little fellas are so important to our human life - without them (and other insects) we'd be up shit creek environmentally. So, this and all future "Ant Life" cartoons I hereby dedicate to the wondrous miniature life of ants!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Scottish Nintendo

You see. Size does matter. A big hello to any Scots out there!