Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kids will be kids

Week in, week out too often it's a bad news story that makes the headlines or close to it. So, it's nice to see that this week one of the feature stories was about a 3-year-old hearing his father for the first time ever:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Patient Sues Over 8-month Erection

News story:

Okay. Three things to remember in cases like this. Number one, judges always find these scenarios hard going. Two, the complainant better be damn sure his legal team presents rock solid evidence. And, three, there can be quite stiff penalties imposed if the complainant wins his case.

Those points aside, you gotta take your hat off to this poor guy - it takes balls to sue in such circumstances.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Accidental fatal shooting by 4-year-old Arizona boy

Terrible story.

But previous claims by the NRA ring in my head. Sophistry in - common sense out the window. That's what this kind of argument amounts to.